What is so special about Third Element Water?
We started by finding naturally occurring Lithium rich water in West Texas, then carbonating it. After selling out and realizing the improved ecology and efficiency of making your own, we present an effervescent powder.
Third Element (named after Lithium’s Atomic Number) is a Lithiated “hyper supplement” that also contains a comprehensive blend of vitamins and minerals that we typically do not get enough of.
You can drink it anytime for rehydration, improved mental acuity, anxiety relief, and respite following or during a night of excess.
Numerous studies have shown “Low Dose Lithium” supplementation to be associated with:
- Improved Mood
- Immune Health
- Reduced Anxiety
- Sleep & Sharpness
This is not prescription Lithium but the vitamin version, lithium orotate, which is a fraction (1/100) of the former.
Third Element is safe, essential, elevating.

Why Lithium?
Lithium ignited the Big Bang, and is an essential mineral for longevity. It conducts electricity and we are all beings of energy.
The best waters of the world have one mineral in common, lithium. Low dose lithium benefits are now supported by the latest in scientific research.
Sleep deeper, lift more, go faster, recover better, get smart, be in the present, stay in your future.
Drink Third Element.

Where did this idea come from?
From history, actually. The first commercial bottled waters were from naturally Lithiated springs in upstate New York. Within a few years there were nearly one hundred competing brands around the world. In fact, the soft drink 7 Up was named after the atomic mass of Lithium (6.9) and its ability to make you feel better, up.

Who We Are
“As founder and CEO of Third Element Water, I can attest to the team of friends and colleagues that has brought this product to life.
When I started practicing as a Board Certified psychiatrist, Naval officer and Medical Director, I was frustrated by the excessive use of synthetic and often harmful medications.
This led me to explore and supplement with more natural options/interventions in my practice. I’ve since written, spoken, and published on Low Dose Lithium but the most useful source of this element is not at the pharmacy, it’s in water.”
—Sudhir Gadh, MD
Founder, Third Element Water

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